Welcome Back, Returning Rangers, Fury & Rangers Athletic Club players!
Please note the following to help make the online registration process easier:
- You will need your child’s 13-digit number Hockey Canada ID number; you can locate this in your Hockey Canada Spordle Account or your Respect in Sport account
Click here to log into your HCR 3.0 Spordle Account
Click here to log into your Respect in Sport Account
- All players registered in Fort Saskatchewan Minor Hockey must have a parent/guardian who has taken the Respect in Sport-Parent Program Course. To take this course, re-certify or look up your certificate number, please CLICK HERE
** Note - For 2020 U5 players, please see the New to Hockey Page to register
**If you are not new to hockey but you are new to Fort Saskatchewan, visit the New to Fort Sask Minor Hockey page
**Registration for the 24-25 season is limited - if capacity is reached in any division, registrants will be added to the waitlist and notified if a position opens.