Registration opens on June 15 and runs until full or July 15, 2024
Regular registration rates are in place until July 15th.
After July 15th, rates in U9, U11, U13, U15, and U18 increase by $200.
Yes, fees can be paid in installments. You will be prompted in TeamSnap at the time of registration. Please select the correct option by TURNING ON installment payments before checking out.
All fees must be paid by Dec 1, 2024
This season each player will have a $50.00 fundraising bond per player added to their registration. Players are eligible for a refund of the fundraising bond for every dollar sold of FSMH Association raffle tickets up to a maximum of $50.00. Raffle tickets will be sold online using RaffleBox starting in October. FSMH will hold a minimum of three raffles between Oct 1st and March 1st so that you qualify for your refund. When you purchase or sell association raffle tickets, make sure your player’s name is selected in the dropdown list titled “in support of” to have them counted towards your refund.
How do I get or find my player's hockey id (HCR) #?
To find your returning player's number
-log into your Respect in Sport Parent profile - https://hockeyalbertaparent.respectgroupinc.com/
-click profile
-About halfway down the page select child management - Now you will see the players that you have linked to your account and their HCR #s
To add a new player and generate a new HCR#
-Make sure you see a certification #. If your Respect in Sport certification is not up-to-date, the system will not add a HCR #. Each player needs one parent certified.
-if you see a certification number continue with the steps below the picture. If you do not see the certification number please re-certify now.
-log into your Respect in Sport Parent profile - https://hockeyalbertaparent.respectgroupinc.com/
-click profile
-About halfway down the page select child management
-then add the child - under association please select FORT SASKATCHEWAN
-when complete you will now see your player in your child management list with the new HCR#
If you are new to hockey, you must take the ” Respect In Sport - Parent Edition (RIS)” online course and provide a copy of your player's birth certificate to register.
RESPECT IN SPORT: The fee for this course is $12.00 and it takes about an hour to complete. This course expires after 4 years. Families that do not have this course will be unable to register online. Please ensure you select Fort Sask Minor Hockey Association as your home association. If you have completed Respect In Sport in another sport or child, you can transfer your certificate to FSMH. Learn more.
Once you complete your Respect in Sport, you can link your PLAYER to your RIS account from their website. This process will generate an HCR# (Hockey Canada Registry#). This is a unique player number that will stay with them throughout their time in hockey.
The Respect in Sport Parent Program helps define a standard of behavior for all parents and creates a more rewarding, safe, and respectful environment for everyone involved. Parents want to do a great job supporting their kids. Respect in Sport provides parents with the tools to do just that. Your hockey organization has introduced the Respect in Sport Parent Program as a part of initiatives to ensure hockey remains a fun, exciting and safe sport for everyone.
You can complete the program at your leisure and come and go as you please. You can even do it from different computers if you wish!
At the end of each section, two buttons will be displayed: Close and Continue. Selecting one of these two buttons will ensure our system always knows what section you completed last so you may begin again from that point.
Cost - $12.60
Program Information
- This program is for Parents and Guardians of youth hockey players in Canada. This program is not for Hockey Coaches, Trainers, Officials or other Leaders. To get the correct web address for the Respect in Sport Activity Leader program, contact your organization. The two programs contain different content and must be completed separately.
- To receive recognition for this program, all children who are now, or will soon be registered in hockey should have been added to your profile during registration for this program. If children were omitted, select Profile above followed by Child Management and add children as required.
- The estimated time to complete this program is 1 hour. You may complete this program at your own pace and convenience.
- After completing this program, your hockey organization will be notified of your certification status and a record of this will be added to your child's profile in the Hockey Canada Registry.
- Once complete, your certificate is available to view and print from the "Profile" page.
If the player does not make the team they are trying out for, they have the option to try-out for other Elite Teams. This process and conditions are outlined in the Elite Player Movement Process located on the Hockey Alberta website.
In all cases, when a player is released and wants to try out for another team, they are required to obtain a waiver from the team which he did not make and then return to his Resident LMHA.
The player would then submit an additional Notification of Try-out form for the next Elite team. This Notification of Try-out form is required in order to try-out as a non-resident / Import player for the next team. His previous waiver(s) and Notification of Try-out forms must accompany the request.
A player making the designated Elite Team will receive a release from the LMHA of which the player was registered in the previous season and/or their resident LMHA. The player must pay any outstanding fees or other financial obligations owing to the previous registered Team.
Once an Import Player (by definition) has made the Elite Team of which he was trying out, the Player must ensure that his Notification of Try-out forms and all applicable Waivers are submitted together at the time of registration to Hockey Alberta.
Failure to submit the Notification of Try-out form and applicable waivers (as required for an Import Player), at the time of registration, will result in that player being not registered.
No, each player is only charged one tryout or evaluation fee from the level they start at.
You are expected to try out and play for the team which is in the Elite Draw Zone that you are a resident. If you do not wish to play for a team in your Elite Draw Zone, you can apply for “Player Movement” to request to have a tryout with another Elite Draw Zone.
Every parent and volunteer that will be helping with a team needs to be certified in the Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach/Officials
The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates coaches and activity leaders to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination. It may be the single most important training leaders receive to assist in creating a safe, healthy and respectful environment for all participants.
There are additional costs in Community hockey and RAC hockey teams may engage in additional activities such as tournaments, extra practices, apparel, etc..
At the start of the season, each team must propose a budget to parents and conduct a vote to ensure the majority of families support the additional expenses.
Before you are able to register, you will need to fill out a Hockey Alberta Parent Declaration Form: Parent Declaration Form | Hockey Alberta. Please use the email gm@fsmhockey.com when prompted to add the Minor Hockey Association email that you are registering with.
You will be required to upload two documents to your Parent Declaration to prove residency in the Fort Sask Minor Hockey Association boundaries. Residency documents include a utility bill, driver’s license, mortgage/rental agreement, etc.
This varies for each team and division